TIRLOGI Weapons of Counter-Strike by Fajar Abhirawa

I created this weapon from a combination of three systems in the game counter-strike, that is, on the part of the weapon from the game CS: GO, then the hands, bone, and animation from the game CS: S, CS1.6 nah which part? ... yap part from CS1.6 only place these weapons played hahaha, because in addition to the above components others simply adapt the file so it can be used for counter-strike 1.6 game okey guys please enjoy, do not forget to follow my blog okay
so, if you're confused by my explanation you simply play it and find out for yourself the difference points raised
for Screenshot:

Valve > Animation, Models, and Sound
Adobe Photshop > Texture Editor
VTF Editor > Texture Extractor
Cannon Fodders > Model Extractor
PSPad Editor > Hex Editor
chUmbaLum sOft > 3D Model Editor
Goreface Coprofecal/ Agus Coprofecal > Tutorial Maker
Fajar Abhirawa > Exporter, Hack Modeler,

you just copy the folder cstrike to your Counter-Strike 1.6 folder
start game and using the weapons
Don't Reupload this Files
Don't Claim Mywork A.K.A. this Mods
Reporting to me if you have a Problem from this mods with contact me
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[T] : www.twitter.com/FajarAbhi/
[B] : www.fajar997.blogspot.com/ on Chat room
NB : Please Don't Forget to Following my Blog if you want get new updates from me.