Senin, 16 September 2013

Point Blank Pack Mods Final by FE-AB

Haii Blogger, kali ini saya mau menginformasikan bahwa hari ini saya akan mempromosikan hasil mod saya beberapa bulan kemarin, nah mod kali ini saya pack ke sebuah installer yang nantinya hanya tinggal klik kalian sudah dapat memakai mod dari saya, oke maka dari itu ikutin aja terus....

langsung aja deskripsinya, buat yang belum tau, mod ini untuk game Counter-Strike 1.6 Pastinya karena memang dibuat unutk game itu, namun ada game lain yang mendukung mod itu, namun kalian pasti ga asing lagi sama game ini, yaitu masih saudaraan sama counter-strike 1.6, ... ? yap yaitu game Counter-Strike Condition Zero ...
yah, oke cuma segitu game yang bisa dukung mod ini, karena memang mod ini dibuat untuk 2 game tersebut.

oke, mod apa sih yang mau dipromosiin? langsung aja gan, ane disini mau promosiin hasil mod ane beberapa bulan kemarin
yang ane buat dengan susah payah, dan hasilnya juga lumayan oke ... Mod Apasih? lama amat?
oke oke santai broo, ni modnya mod yang ga asing di telinga kalo sering bolak balik main ke Fanpage Modif CS,
yap yaitu PBMod for Cs1.6/Cz ....

gimana cara dapetnya? nanti ane kasih tau belakangan, skarang detailnya dulu ....
ane mau terangin dulu, yah kalo ini modnya agak berbeda ... kenapa? karena modnya ane pack jadi satu dan ketika dipake bisa langsung dipake ga pake ribet ga kaya yang eceran sono wkwkwk, jadi tinggal install trus main deh,,
nah disini ane bikin (gak semua) senjata PB yang ane kira2 itu mirip spesifikasinya sama senjata CS,
contoh: Sig 552 di CS1.6 ane Mod jadi SG550 Ext PB, nah itu kan uda dibilang nyerempet2 gimana gitu hehehe.

Langsung cekidot dolo gan previewnya :D

Video Previewnya gan!!:

Full Credits ::
Fajar Abhirawa

Sorry Missing Credits :/ tell me about it if me wrong

Download File:


oiya kalo ada Advertising klik Skip aja ya setelah tunggu 5 menit ^0^9

Terima kasih,
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Rabu, 03 April 2013

TIRLOGI Weapons of Counter-Strikes

TIRLOGI Weapons of Counter-Strike by Fajar Abhirawa

I created this weapon from a combination of three systems in the game counter-strike, that is, on the part of the weapon from the game CS: GO, then the hands, bone, and animation from the game CS: S, CS1.6 nah which part? ... yap part from CS1.6 only place these weapons played hahaha, because in addition to the above components others simply adapt the file so it can be used for counter-strike 1.6 game okey guys please enjoy, do not forget to follow my blog okay

so, if you're confused by my explanation you simply play it and find out for yourself the difference points raised

for Screenshot:

Valve > Animation, Models, and Sound
Adobe Photshop > Texture Editor
VTF Editor > Texture Extractor
Cannon Fodders > Model Extractor
PSPad Editor > Hex Editor
chUmbaLum sOft > 3D Model Editor
Goreface Coprofecal/ Agus Coprofecal > Tutorial Maker
Fajar Abhirawa > Exporter, Hack Modeler,

you just copy the folder cstrike to your Counter-Strike 1.6 folder
start game and using the weapons

Don't Reupload this Files
Don't Claim Mywork A.K.A. this Mods
Reporting to me if you have a Problem from this mods with contact me

[F] :
[T] :
[B] : on Chat room

NB : Please Don't Forget to Following my Blog if you want get new updates from me.
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Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

C-5 PB Plugin for CSCZ with Addons Included

tau kan Equipment C-5 di Point Blank? Equip ini menggantikan Granat k-400, equip ini cocok buat orang iseng haha yang suka nanam ranjau di medan perang pas ada musuh langsung klik ahaha Duarr mati dah tuh, apa lagi kalo main Piso mode bisa bikin perhitungan sama musuh untuk tidak mendekat atau ketika lagi pasang C-4 Bom lalu di kamuflase di taruh di C-4 Bomb, dan ketika di jinakkan C-5 Diledakin ahahaha C-5 memang seru untuk di pakai. kali ini saya share Plugin ini buat CSCZ/1.6
ayo download dan mainkan!

sebelum memakai plug-in ini harus download dan install file Addons, dapat di Download dibawah

dan Download Plug-innya dibawah ini

Jangan Lupa Follow Blognya Oke^^

Note: Credits was Included in File
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Dual Desert Eagle PB

Haii Sahabat, maaf baru Update Skin lagi hehe, kali ini saya akan Share Skin Dual D-Eagle PB unutk CS mu :D,, kalian udah ga asing lagi kan sama Senjata ini yang biasa di pake Pangkat tinggi di game Point Blank Indonesia. senjata ini terlihat keren menurut saya karena memiliki efek Krom pantulan cahaya dan yang satu lagi bercorak emas yang mengkilau :D.
okay langsung saja tanpa berlama-lama langsung saya Download Skinnya dan rasakan dahSyatny Senjata ini haha :D

Ingat! Semua keterangan tentang Skin ini sudah terdapat di dalam File, dan Anda harus membacanya!

Salam Sahabat,

Jangan lupa Follow Blognya ^^
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Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

AUG A3 Dragon for CS1.6/CZ

hello friends, this time I will share my own skin creations which I gave the name Dragon AUG A3, my own design texture gun, I hope you liked my work. I am inspired by a lot of games on the theme dragon games on guns, so I try to make the mod I made, I made this eventually apologize for not pleased ^ _ ^.
Steyr AUG rifle is a series that was first introduced in 1977 by the Austrian Steyr Mannlicher weapons company. AUG stands for Armee Universal Gewehr, meaning "Universal Army Rifle". Steyr AUG name itself is more often used to refer to a specific version, a variant bullpup assault rifle caliber 5.56 mm NATO, with the color green and the integrated telescope. This rifle actually has had many variants, ranging from submachine guns, sniper rifles, submachine guns up. This rifle has been adopted as the main rifle army Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Ireland, and also was used by Malaysia. Indonesian Special Police Unit is also using the Police Mobile Brigade Gegana Steyr AUG
AUG was one of the first rifle using bullpup design, which makes it 25% shorter than other rifles that same barrel length, without sacrificing performance and accuracy. Most of the variants AUG comes with an integrated 1.5x telescopic shooting. AUG is considered to have a modern ergonomic design. Other features such as the ability used by right-handed or left-handed shooters, and the use of transparent plastic materials.
Barreled Steyr AUG can be exchanged easily, for example to a carbine barrel or longer barrel. Even AUG have the modifications that could turn it into a submachine gun. Other variants, such variants submachine gun that has a heavier barrel, can not be modified and is set up from the factory.


All About this Weapon and Credits was included in the Files

Dont Forget Follow this blog for get more Skins! :)
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Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

DSR-1 Point Blank

The DSR-1 system is configured in a bull-pup design, with a free-floating barrel. The folding bipod is mounted onto upper rails (above the barrel), and the adjustable horizontal front grip is mounted on the lower rails (under the barrel). The rifle features a fully adjustable rear stock and cheek piece. The holder for a spare magazine is installed in the front of the trigger guard to decrease reloading time. The DSR-1 action features a benchrest match-grade, fluted barrel that is quickly interchangeable and is fixed into the receiver by three screws. The bolt features six lugs that lock directly into the barrel. The barrel is protected by a ventilated aluminium handguard and is fitted with a muzzle brake (which is very useful when firing full-power, magnum loads). The trigger is two-stage and adjustable. The DSR-1 features a manual, ambidextrous three-position safety, located above the trigger guard. For the standard version of the DSR-1 a tactical suppressor is available. The suppressor is designed to be used with high power ammunition of the DSR-1 chamberings. This suppressor effectively suppresses the muzzle blast. Naturally it cannot suppress the crack of a supersonic projectile but the direction where the bullet comes from is effectively concealed. The tactical suppressor is easily mounted in seconds on the muzzle brake using a quick release lever.
The expected accuracy of the DSR-1 is high: some sources state sub 0.2 MOA accuracy (0.20 inch / 5 mm groups measured center-to-center at 100 yards / 91,4 meters) with match-grade ammunition and favourable environmental conditions. In an article on the DSR-1 rifle the German gun magazine Visier performed test shoots with a DSR-1 to get an indication of its accuracy potential with factory ammunition in October 2003.





Fajar Abhirawa

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Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

M4 CQB-R LV3 Point Blank

M4 dan M4A1 menggunakan peluru kaliber 5.56 x 45 mm NATO. Keduanya adalah senapan selective-fire, yang menggunakan sistem gas, air-cooled, memakai magazen box, dan mempunyai popor teleskopik. Popor ini bisa ditukar dengan popor biasa, tapi itu jarang dilakukan pada militer Amerika Serikat.
Seperti karabin pada umumnya, M4 lebih nyaman ditenteng daripada senapan laras panjang. Selain ideal untuk digunakan oleh tentara non-infanteri (seperti pengemudi kendaraan, ajudan, dan perwira staf), ini juga membuat M4 cocok untuk pertempuran jarak dekat dan operasi pasukan khusus. M4 sempat menjadi standar untuk United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) dan menjadi pilihan Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 2006 Malaysia juga membeli Karabin M4 untuk menggantikan senapan Steyr AUG.
Karabin M4 dikembangkan dan diproduksi untuk Pemerintah Amerika Serikat oleh perusahaan senjata Colt, yang mempunyai kontrak untuk memproduksi keluarga karabin M4 sampai tahun 2009. Tetapi selain Colt, sejumlah produsen senjata lain juga menawarkan senapan yang serupa dengan M4. M4 dan M16A4 sudah menggantikan M16 dan M16A2 pada angkatan bersenjata Amerika Serikat. M4 juga menggantikan submachine gun M3A1 yang biasa dipakai pengendara tank. M4 hampir serupa dengan versi kompak M16 sebelumnya, yaitu XM177, bedanya adalah M4 tidak menggunakan peluru M193/6 ball.

Models By Zepetto |
Sound By Zepetto |
Bones By Muhammad Ubay |
Convert By Skript47 |
RIG By David Vincent B |
Animations By Fajar Abhirawa |

Don't Leech,Reupload,Ilegal Editing Etc. Whom Suffer By Me

you just replace skin with change the model name to v_m4a1 on your CS folder

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